Monday, December 15, 2014


Title:The Difference of Buddhism and Shinto
Main idea:There are 3 differences between Buddhism and Shinto.

My Lunchbrake

Yesterday, I wanted to take exercise.
So, I went to the playground to join the baseball class with my friend in Hiyoshi.
But, the way to the playground is too long.
It takes 15 minutes to walk from Hiyoshi station to the playground.
Moreover, the way to the playground is too narrow.
Cars often passed walkers at a furious speed.
So, I was always scared.
In the end, I couldn't take anymore and turn back to Hiyoshi station.
I couldn't arrive at the playground.
We shouldn't think to play baseball in Hiyoshi.

Monday, December 8, 2014

My Lunch

I ate "Soup Katsudon" in the dining holl in Hiyoshi
But, "Soup Katsudon" was so terrible.
Rice was too soggy and gross.
Soup was sour.
"Soup Katsudon" was like dog food.
What is it?
Why I need pay money to eat "Soup Katsudon"?
I suffered terribly
"Soup Katsudon" was philosophy.